Welcome to the Gbm School of Business

1. Should everyone who is called to the ministry have to give up their secular career to do the work of the Lord?

2. Is it wrong for believers to get involved in business instead of doing the work of the ministry?

3. Does God ever call someone to Business rather than Ministry?

These are questions that have plagued the Church for years, and there has been much confusion on the subject. The early Apostles all gave up their jobs and careers to follow Jesus and obey His call.

A look at church history right up to the present day shows that this has always been the pattern for someone called to the Ministry. Pastors and full-time workers have always taken up the work of the ministry as their employment. Many gave up a lucrative career to do this, and like Peter left their business behind to follow the call.

Because of this, the Church has always suffered financially. Any form of business in the Church is frowned on and seen as something to be opposed, just as Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple.

The God Kind of Business


But A New Church Is Coming

Probably the biggest mistake we often make is to think that the ideal church is the one that existed during the times of the Apostles. The Early Church moved in great power and did awesome things for the Lord. And the Gospel spread under their influence.

But that church died and went into obscurity. It was lost during the Dark Ages, never to be seen again. But God began to build a new church from the time of the Reformation. It started off small, but over time it has become more and more like the early church.

But the End Times Church will be different from the Early Church. There are many new things that God is adding for a new generation and a new era that we are living in.

The Early Church lacked many of the things that we now have in our hands to do the work of the Lord. Society has changed, and today the Church is no longer largely a Jewish Church based in the Middle East.

A New Breed of Church Leaders

God is raising up in these end times, a new breed of leaders who will lead the Body of Christ to its final glory. And these new leaders will be different from the leaders of the Early Church.

Amongst this new breed of leaders, there is arising a group that has never existed before. The Apostles and Prophets of the End Times Church are different from those in the early church.

A new set of leaders is rising up having more of a business emphasis. And it is of the Lord. God is calling leaders in the realm of business. They are not called to simply build businesses and make money, but they are part of the leadership of the New Church and will add a business dimension to the Church that will finance the final move of God.

Your Handbook For The Spiritual Life


A New Kind of Training Needed

When it comes to business, most believers turn to the world to learn their skills. They do not see this as a ministry or call of God, but simply as part of their secular life.

This is about to change, and it is time to train God’s Entrepreneurs to rise up and do business according to patterns that God has laid in place. Added to this will be a new anointing, unlike anything that has been seen before.

In the past, the anointing was placed on Prophets, Priests, and Kings, and then in the Early Church, a new anointing arose specifically for Apostles. God is the author of a variety of anointings, and His power varies according to what He calls us to do.

So now it is time to learn about a new anointing, which we call the Fivefold Business Anointing. And those who are called to business must learn to do things God’s Way, using God’s Power.

If God is calling you to this kind of activity in the Body of Christ, then you have come to the right place. Here you will receive all the training you need to rise up and become

A Fivefold Entrepreneur

To join us on this new journey, why not enroll as a student and take your place as one of the new breeds of Business Leaders?